Ellis Potter

Real name: 
Ellis Potter, a native Californian, is a former Buddhist monk who became a Christian under the influence and ministry of the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer. He worked for many years with Schaeffer at L’Abri Fellowship, Switzerland, and was the pastor of the Basel Christian Fellowship for ten years. Potter’s unique background includes music and the arts, theology and philosophy, which qualifies him to lecture on a variety of subjects including the relevancy of Christianity to the arts and modern philosophical and social movements. He often lectures on a comparison of Biblical and other worldviews, seeking to establish the clear truth of God’s Word. He now works as an independent missionary, based in Basel, Switzerland and directs most of his attention and energies eastward to the developing nations of Central and Eastern Europe. With his wife, Mary, he founded Eastern European Renewal (EER).
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Viewssort ascending Date
Thinking about art from a...
Ellis Potter Culture and Art 01:12:05 2,476 1 Jan 2005
Evaluating Eastern Religions
Ellis Potter Other Religions 01:18:33 2,388 1 Jan 2005
Why is evangelism awkward and uncomfortable for many Christians?
Ellis Potter Apologetics 00:00:00 2,387 24 May 2014
Does God have an apologetic method?
Ellis Potter Apologetics 00:03:56 2,370 24 May 2014
Comparative Worldviews
Ellis Potter ApologeticsCultural 00:00:00 2,272 2 Jun 2015
