Julia Garschagen

Real name: 
Julia Garschagen is a theologian and serves as the director of the Pontes Institute for Science, Culture and Faith in the German-speaking region. She speaks at universities and in business contexts across Europe and loves to be in dialogue about a faith that is both intellectually credible and existentially satisfying. Julia co-leads the biggest evangelistic youth outreach in the German-speaking world and teaches apologetics at a theological seminary. She is also co-founder of the charity Dios te ve, which helps young people in Peru to get a higher education. Julia lives in Cologne, Germany and loves the mountains.
Name Speaker/Author Topic Duration Views Datesort ascending
Engaging and Communicating with Youth
Julia Garschagen Apologetics 00:00:00 665 24 May 2023
How the Good News of Jesus Became Bad News
Julia Garschagen Evangelism 00:00:00 1,220 22 May 2023